Monday, September 30, 2019

Equity law in New South Wales Essay

The Legal system in Australia follows the laws that were placed by the British as they fused most of their cultures and traditions on the people when they colonized the aboriginals. Since in England the laws of equity were mostly used together with the common law, then it was certain that they would use the same equity rules in NSW. Enacting these laws on a new country and state was not easy as the people were opposed to the idea of following English law. They viewed this as an unfair practice as they were governing their land and every aspect of their lives and on top of it they were going to impose their judicial systems. With time, they were overpowered by the British but with time; they saw sense in the laws that were being passed. The laws of England were thus enacted to be used in the judicial systems across Australia and this included New South Wales. Equity was one of the laws that were used in England to supplement the common laws that governed the land. Equity is as much important in New South Wales as it still is in England because it has helped in shaping the judicial system. The first courts in New South Wales (NSW) were adaptive to the needs of the society and were more so military in character. There was no formal process of proceedings and the powers of the governor were restricted. As time elapsed, the Supreme Court came to being to solve criminal and civil cases just as the way the King’s Bench operated in England. The equity law was going to bring about order in a system that was not fair to some people and they were simply going to add positive laws that would ensure that NSW laws were stronger, more practicable and could give varied solutions to the various problems in place. Equity law in most Australian states was administered since early times by the Supreme Court. Most states followed the judicature system where the both the common and equitable lawsuits were heard in the same court. New South Wales started incorporating the equity law in to its legal system in 1972 where specialists’ practitioners who mastered the law oversaw the proceedings which are still followed till today. This has increased the popularity of the equity law which has enabled the development and enhancements of the common law doctrines. Equity law is made on the fundamental principle of enhancing equitable in legal issues . The study of the equity law principles as used in England has really helped in the restructuring law procedures and making them simpler for the law enforcers as well as the parties involved to understand. One of the areas that the equity law has improved on in NSW is the contract law. The contract law has its foundations on the English common law practices with a few modifications in specific areas. The contract laws as used in the state are also made upon the various bids that have been passed in the Australian parliament. Equity has helped in the formation of contract law and the procedures that need to be followed when a particular party breaches the contract. The laws formed are what are mostly used to govern trade transactions local, regional and international and employment contracts under the labour laws. In solving contact cases, the NSW courts, they usually look at how several cases were or are still handled in England courts such as in their court of appeals, Kings Bench, House of Lords UK and Courts of Common Pleas UK among other courts so that they can apply the same principles. Most of New South Wales acts had provisions to give relief against some contract obligations and sometimes to reform the contracts. That is why over the century there have been contractual reforms to give freedom to the contract theory that sometimes would dent interference in other forms of laws. Equity therefore has played a major part in unjust enrichment and restitution of the law. Property laws also follow equitable principles in New South Wales. This is taken from how in England there was a need for people were supposed to be returned to the original positions they were in before damage or loss of property took place. Equity therefore, offers practicable terms of solving lawsuit cases. For example, when a person takes someone’s property and they do not return it. The owner filing the case would like to have it back instead of just being compensated in monetary terms. This is in contract to the common law system which will only make sure that the plaintiff is paid in replace for the property. Therefore, equity is not achieved in this case. This is applicable in the way property laws have been developed in NSW where in 1987 the Residential tenancies Act was placed giving certain rights to the owners of land or property and their tenants. This was in the form of an agreement that made sure that the tenants were not charged high rents and landlords gained from the rent they received. An Act for combining certain laws relating to land title deeds and assignments was enacted in 1898 in NSW. The Real Property Act was an improvement of the 1898 laws that made legal provisions for the transfer of land and their titles. In 1919, the Conveyancing act was made to combine the property laws and enhance conveyancing and other acts that influenced it. In 1994, the Retail Leases Act was used to add onto the property laws so as to create formal laws that aided leasing of retail shops while stating the rights of the lessors and lessees. Equity was established in the corporations’ law and was used in England to govern and address the various problems that business entities faced. Some of the underlying principles that were used are seen in the way corporation cases are solved in the NSW; for instance, in the termination of business practices like partnerships and mergers and the amount of compensation that either party is supposed to receive. Nowadays, the equity law in New South Wales is enforced under the Law Reform (Law and Equity) Act of 1972. It is here that the rules of equity and also the law are listed and in case there are conflicts, just as before, the equity rules prevail. This act is continually amended by the State governor as need arises. The laws of England are therefore necessary in New South Wales because it is essentially an English state. The Supreme Court in NSW which is the highest level of court in the state handles both civil and criminal cases and follows the equity law. In mid 19th century, the colonialists in this case the British used a lot of the equity law in passing judgments and they even went further to pass the Colonial Legislature Act and the Justice Act which led to the establishment of the Equity law system. In NSW, the equity law is all about fairness. The equity principles are still being used in amending some of the constitutional laws that apply to the rest of the country and are also applicable to the state. The equity law system is important in NSW as it gives the judge the power to make valid decisions and pass sentences based on evidence as well as use morally agreed practices that will ensure that the plaintiff and defendant have been given an equal opportunity to defend themselves. One area that equity law is been use in is in the recovery of debts which are mainly faced by in national and also international trade transactions. Here, it states what actions are taken for people w ho breach contracts, the rights to own property as well as problems that face various business organizations like partnerships, corporations and trusts. From seeing how the equity law has helped in the administration of justice, we see that there is more to just learning the rules that are used in equity law but there is also a need to understand the history because the laws are developed as time, events and the context in which they are applied change. It is important to study the history of the law though found in a foreign country as it enables legal practitioners and law students to understand its formation and why equality is such a common area of discussion. Moreover, reading about the history as it is applicable in England enables NSW legal makers to know how similar cases can be solved in the state and even define new ways of solving legal issues thus strengthening the equity law. Conclusion Equity in New South Wales has changed in time and distance but this system of law has borrowed a lot from legal practices that are used in England. As the State becomes politically independent, it has developed its own laws that are used to decide over cases but they still take into consideration the common law practices and equity principles. These laws have enabled proper governance and the administration of justice as the equity laws have enabled individuals to defend their rights, own property, enter into proper formal transactions and continually amend the laws for the good off all New South Welsers. Equity law in NSW is therefore backed by a strong history and revolution that makes it practicable in law thus enhancing the perfection of modern equity. References Abel, R. L. & Lewis P. C Lawyers in Society: The Common Law World, Beard Books, 1988 p. 265 Comyns, J. , Hammond, A. & Day T. A Digest of the Laws of England, 5th Ed. Collins & Hannay, 1826 p. 405 Cope, M. & Queensland University of Technology. Equity: issues and trends: the importance and pervasiveness of equitable doctrines and principles in modern private, commercial, and public law. Federation Press, 1995 p. 156 Gilbert, G. & Great Britain Court of King’s Bench. Cases in Law and Equity: Argued, Debated and Adjudged in the King’s Bench and Chancery, in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Years of Queen Anne. Catherine Lintot, 1760 p. 27, 53 Great Britain Courts & Leach T. Modern reports; or, Select cases adjudged in the courts of King’s bench, Chancery, Common pleas, and Exchequer †¦ : 1663-1755, 5th Ed. G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1796 Hale, M. & Gray C. M. The history of the common law of England, 3rd Ed. University of Chicago Press, 1971 Kercher B. Debt, seduction and other disasters: the birth of civil law in convict New South Wales Federation Press, 1996 Navado lawyers and solicitors: Strategic solutions, dynamic people. http://www. navado. com. au/Practice-Areas/Equity-Law-Trusts-Law/ Retrieved on April 6, 2009 Neal D. The Rule of Law in a Penal Colony: Law and Politics in Early New South Wales Cambridge University Press, 2002 p. 75

Sunday, September 29, 2019

National Security vs Individaul Privacy Essay

1. Your document’s heading is not formatted correctly. In the upper left corner of the first page, the words â€Å"Running head:† should preface a shortened version of your title. The upper right corner of the page should have the numerical page number. The shortened version of your title should be in all capital letters. On subsequent pages, the shortened version of your title should appear on the lefthand side, with a page number on the right-hand side. For additional information, visit the Ashford Writing Center located in Constellation. Click on Ch 7 -Sample Paper with Formatting Instructions. [Nicole Moore] 2. Instructor: Leon, You should be using a 12 pt. font, and double spacing your work. [Nicole Moore] Throughout history, there have been breeches to the security of this nation which caused an increase in awareness. Rights and civil liberties of the public have been cut, and in many instances revoked completely. Individual privacy is 2 1. Throughout Leon, You are not using the correct font. You need to be using  Times New Roman 12 pt. Please adjust for your final paper. Remember to use Times New Roman 12 point font per 6th edition APA guidelines. [Nicole Moore] 2. in awareness. an awareness of what? Make sure you are clear. [Nicole Moore] 3. Block quotations of more than 40 words should be double spaced per APA 6th edition guidelines. Each line should be indented 1/2 inch. Quotation marks should not be included, and the citation should be placed at the end of the quote following the punctuation. [Nicole Moore] 4. Since the attack on the World Trade†¦ Leon, please try reading this sentence out loud – what are you trying to say? I think you might be missing some words. How might you rework? [Nicole Moore] 5. In response, law enforcement agencies†¦ Are the agencies requesting them now, or have they been requesting them since 2001? You might want to use the past tense†¦ or say, â€Å"..agencies have been requesting†¦Ã¢â‚¬  [Nicole Moore]  important and if you take it away from the public, they will then feel an increase of intrusion and loss of privacy. â€Å"All human rights are indivisible, interdependent, and interrelated: the improvement of one right facilitates advancement of the others; the deprivation of one right adversely affects others. Freedom of expression and privacy are explicit parts of this international framework of human rights and are enabling rights that facilitate the meaningful realization of other human rights.† (Dunstan, 2011) Since the attack on the World Trade Center, U.S. soil have resulted in the tragic loss of thousands of innocent human lives. In response, law enforcement agencies are requesting broader and more pervasive laws to counter this security challenge. As technology has grown in leaps and bounds over the last three decades, it has also brought with it new challenges to protecting people’s privacy and curbing privacy violations. Determining the proper balance between citizens’ right, civil liberties, and concerns for security is a particularly vexing difficulty for the democratic societies. It has long been understood that civil liberties are neither absolute nor unequivocal and that there is normally tension between the carrier for democratic values and the desire to live in safety and security. â€Å"Citizens’ rights frequently collide with the 1. â€Å"Citizens’ rights frequently collide†¦ Great quote for right here. Double check the APA formatting guidelines – you want to put the period on the outside of the (). â€Å"†¦citizens† (Davis, 2008). [Nicole Moore]  rights of others and with governments’ ability to provide for the safety of its citizens.† (Davis, D. W. 2008) 1 National Security plays a part in every aspect of the world. What national security does is maintain the survival of  the state through the use of economic, diplomacy, power projection, and political power. Protections give a nation what it needs to posses economic security, energy security, and environmental security. The national valuables in this broad sense include current assets and national interests, as well as the sources of strength upon which our future as a nation depends. A former NSA director, Gen. Michael Hayden, now director of the Central Intelligence Agency, has said the NSA often gets FISA warrants for wiretaps. He knew that Bush was using this tool to gather information. Bush had the NSA employees also listen in on conversations without such warrants if they suspect links to terror groups, he said. â€Å"In its suit, the ACLU also contends that the NSA surveillance program violates First Amendment protections of freedom of speech and assembly by intruding into the private conversations and e-mail exchanges of individuals and organizations.† Deans, (2006) â€Å"Weeks after the September 11 attacks, Bush issued a top-secret order authorizing the National Security Agency to use its high-tech eavesdropping tools to listen in on phone calls and read electronic mail coming into the United States. The Fourth Amendment of the constitution prohibits â€Å"unreasonable searches and seizures† without judicial warrant affirming there is â€Å"probable cause† for suspecting criminal activity.† Deans, (2006) Despite the labors of the Bush administration to bypass the FISC system, FISA courts still exist and the number of warrant request coming before them has increased significantly in recent years. The use of FISA and its courts does protect the government from accusation that it violates the Fourth Amendment rights U. S. persons. Since the disclosure of the warrantless searches, President Bush has instructed the various intelligence organizations that the FISC system be used for all intelligence-gathering activities. The debate over FISA and its court is ongoing, with many critics believing that both the law 2. Is this another long quote? If so, you might consider the amount of quotes you are using, and rely more on your own writing and statements. Use the research to support your analysis, not fill up your paper. It generally requires the government to seek warrants before monitoring Americans’ communications. The  controversy over the FISC Court has intensified. The Bush administrations make it view known that the onerous requirements of FISA stood in the way of intelligence gathering. In a secret court proceeding before the FISA Appeals Court on September 9, 2002, with only government lawyers present, the Bush administration presented its case that the FISC had hindered the flow of information and had obstructed the president’s authority to conduct warrantless searches to obtain foreign intelligence information. â€Å"Less than an hour after President Bush signed the 2008 amendment, the ACLU filed a law suit challenging the law’s constitutionality. Because the 2008 amendment is scheduled to sunset in December, the ACLU is also calling on Congress to Fix FISA by prohibiting dragnet surveillance activities, and strengthening safeguards for privacy.† American Civil Liberties Union, (2012) Bush’s main goal was to gather as much information coming into the United States, but forgot about the fact that he would invade peoples’ privacy. It seem like everything was moving fast and no thought was put in it from the government. Our civil rights is right for us the citizens of this country to have privacy, the right of peaceful protest, the right to a fair trial, the right to personal freedom and the right of equal protection. However, when you take our freedom away for expressing ourselves, you violate our civil rights. This Act allowed him to violate the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution which further blurred the lines between national security and individual privacy. It is precisely the reason why we’re so skeptical about the implementation of national security over our civil rights. They 1. but forgot about the fact that†¦ I really take issue with the word â€Å"forgot† — I feel that you will be much better served, and have a stronger  paper, if you find a different word disregarded, ignored, etc†¦ [Nicole Moore] 2. Our civil rights is right for us the Our civil rights give the citizens of this country the right to†¦. [Nicole Moore] 3. why we’re who is â€Å"we’re†? do you mean some U.S. citizens? Be clear about your references. [Nicole Moore] forget about the little people that make up this country. One must understand that the problem that is in conflict with our civil rights here, relates more to internal security than it does to external. National security is important to the safety of this country but it should never intrude an individual privacy. The national valuables in this broad sense include current assets and national interests as well as the sources of strength upon which our future as nation depends on it. 4 4. National security is important†¦ This, Leon, should be your specific claim, and it should be in the beginning of your paper, not on page 6. [Nicole Moore] -6- Reference ACLU, (2012) American Civil Liberties Union’s Retrieve from Atkins, S. E., (2008) Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978. ABC CLIO, Retrieved from rveillance_act_of_1978 Davis, D. W., (2008) Civil Liberties and Security Retrieved from nd_security Deans, B., (2006) Domestic Wiretaps: Rights Suit Centers on U.S. security vs. privacy of citizens. The Atlanta Journal, Retrieved from Unabridged. Retrieved December 10, 2012, from website: Dunstan, A.H., (2011) Protecting Human Rights in the Digital Age.BSR Retrieved from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Application of Separation of Powers in India

Application of Separation of Powers in India APPLICATION OF SEPARATION OF POWERS IN INDIA Separation of powers in Indian context: Doctrine of separation of powers is structural rather than functional. In India not only there is a ‘functional overlapping’ but there is ‘personnel overlapping’ also. A proposal of incorporation of the doctrine of separation of powers was proposed in the constituent assembly and the Constitutional history of India exhibits that the framers of the Indian constitution had no sympathy with the doctrine. In India separation of powers has not been awarded a Constitutional status. The doctrine of separation of powers is a part of the doctrine of basic structure of the Indian constitution although it isnt explicitly noted in it and consequently, no law and amendment can be surpassed violating it. The functions of various organs of the state have been diligently defined by the makers of the constitution. Parliamentary form of governance is followed in India. In Indian Constitution it is expressly mentioned that the executive power of the Union and of a state is vested by the constitution in the President and the Governor, respectively by articles 53(1) and 154(1), but there is no corresponding provision vesting the legislative and judicial powers in any organ. So accordingly it has been held that there is no strict separation of powers. Although prima facie it appears that our constitution has based itself upon doctrine of separation of powers. The Indian constitution has not entirely incorporated the doctrine of separation of powers but has taken a lot from the concept and kept it as a guiding force. The theory of separation of power has just been used as a guiding principle to separate the powers only to that extent to which it alienates the organs of the government from each other. In India fusion and not rigidity of separation of power is followed. The legislature or the executive cannot interfere with the judicial functions of the judiciary as it is independent in its field. The conduct of any judge cannot be discussed in the Parliament as per the Constitution. The High Court and the Supreme Court has been given the power of judicial review and they can declare any law passed by the Parliament as unconstitutional. The judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President in consultation with Chief Justice Of India and the judges of the Supreme Court. The power to formulate Rules for efficient conduct of business vests with the Supreme Court. Article 50 of the Constitution puts an obligation over the state to take steps to separate the judiciary from the executive. But since it’s a Directive Principle of State Policy, therefore it’s unenforceable. In a similar way certain constitutional provisions provide powers, privileges and immunities to MP’s, immunity from judicial scrutiny into the proceedings of the house, etc. Such provisions are thereby making legislature independent, in a way. The President is conferred with the executive power as it is provided in the Constitution. The Constitution enumerates the powers and functions of the President. The President and the Governor are immune from civil and criminal liabilities. Separation of Power- Parliament Executive India, since it is a parliamentary form of government, therefore it is based upon intimate contact and close co-ordination among the legislative and executive wings. However, the executive power vests in the President but, in reality he is only the formal head and that, the real head is the Prime Minister along with his Council of Ministers. The reading of the article 74(1) makes it clear that the executive head has to act in accordance with the aid and advice given by the cabinet. Generally the legislature is the repository of the legislative power but, under some specified circumstances President is also empowered to exercise legislative functions. Like while issuing an ordinance, framing rules and regulations relating to public service matters, formulating law while proclamation of emergency is in force. These were some instances of the executive head becoming the repository of legislative functioning. President performs judicial functions also like while assenting to death senten ces. Separation of Power- Parliament Judiciary Parliament can also exercise judicial functions, like in the matter of the breach of its privilege. In case of impeaching the President both the houses take active participation and decide the charges. Judiciary also performs various administrative functions when it has to supervise all the subordinate courts below. It exercises legislative power also when it formulates the rules regarding their own procedure for the conduct and disposal of cases. Executive functions of the legislature The legislature is prone to perform the following executive functions: a special role is played by the legislature in the executive field, especially in the parliamentary form of government. As a matter of fact, the life of the executive in a cabinet form of government is totally dependent on the will of the legislature. It is the legislature which elects the executive from itself. After election, the executive has to be responsible to the legislature. If the legislature expresses its no-confidence in the executive, the latter must resign. Thus, from birth to its death, the executive is tied to the chariot-wheel of the legislature. Legislative functions of the executive The executive also performs some legislative functions as noted below: In a parliamentary system of government the chief executive like the Queen of England and the President of India summons and prorogues the legislature. The authority can dissolve the lower house and order for fresh elections. It is a practice in almost all the countries of the world to refer the bill passed by the legislature to the chief executive for approval. Unless the chief executive okays the bill, it cannot be law. The chief executive can withhold his assent which is called the veto power of the executive over the legislature. When the legislature is in recess, some urgent laws can be made by the chief executive by promulgating ordinances which will have the force of law. The life of an ordinance varies from state to state. It is a short-term measure. This is a direct legislative fiat of the executive. In a parliamentary form of government the executive has a mass of legislative spade-work. It is the executive that initiates a bill in the legislature. So in a cabinet government a minister initiates bills in the legislature. A bill sponsored by a private member has little scope of success in the absence of direct patronage from the ministers. Thus we find that the Prasar Bharati Bill to ensure autonomy to the All India Radio and the Doordarshan was piloted by the Minister for Information and broadcasting in the V. P. Singh Government. The executive makes what is called delegated legislation. The legislature cannot make the minutest details of all laws. It frames only the broad laws. The minor aspect of the legislation is done by the rule-making powers of the executive. These rules and regulations which have the same force as law is the exclusive legislative domain of the executive. The executive also shares the legislative functions of the nature of financial legislations like the budget and theFinance Act. In India, no money bill can be introduced in the legislature without the prior approval of the President. Thus all three organs act as a check and balance to each other and work in coordination and cooperation to make our parliamentary system of governance work. India being an extremely large and diverse country needs a system like this where all organs are responsible to each other as well as coordinated to each other, otherwise making governance possible becomes a very rigid and difficult task. JUDICIAL PRONOUNCEMENTS In Keshavanand Bharti case (1973), the Supreme Court held that the amending power of the Parliament is subject to the basic features of the constitution. So, any amendment violating the basic features will be held unconstitutional. This scheme cannot be altered by even resorting to Art.368 of the constitution. In Ram Jawaya v. Punjab (1955) case, the Supreme Court held up the observation that the executive is derived from the legislature and is dependent on it for its legitimacy. Cabinet ministers in India both executive and legislative functions. Art. 74(1) gives the upper hand to the cabinet ministers over the executive by making their aid and advice mandatory for the President, who is the formal head of the State. In Indira Nehri Gandhi v. Raj Narain (1975) case, the Supreme Court held that adjudication of a dispute is a judicial function and parliament cannot even under constitutional amending power is competent to exercise this function. In Swaran Singh case (1998) the Supreme Court declared the Governor’s pardon of a convict unconstitutional. In subsequent judgments, the Supreme Court upheld the rulings of the Keshavananda Bharti case regarding the non-amend ability of the basic features of the Constitution and strict adherence to the doctrine of separation of powers.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Apple company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Apple company - Essay Example Conclusively, in the current fiscal year of 2010, the company was recorded to earn its all time highest profit of $15.68 billion, certainly as a result of its efficient strategic choices (Apple, 2010). An appropriate strategic alliance is undoubtedly a crucial tool to determine the success of a company. Thus, the paper in its further discussion shall emphasise on the strategies adapted by the company and their competency level in comparison to the major competitors Apple Inc. at present is ranked first in the computer manufacturing industry, with an over all score of 7.95 in the international market. To secure the company in this position the management had to adapt numerous strategies, tactics and operational measures. For instance, the innovation strategy, the expansion strategy, the financial strategy, and many other strategies have continuously implemented by the company to achieve the position it is holding in the global industry (Tkaczyk, 2010). The company has been known in the market to bring up continuous innovations and creations to develop its competency. The history of Apple Inc. is stuffed with many such creations of new products and developments of the old ones to bring about revolution in the global technology industry. Even in the current year the company is not without its technological creation. For instance, the company adapted a strategy in the current year to diversify its marketing product from merely PC based to non-PC based items. It was in this respect that the company launched the iPad after the impressive success of iPods and iPhones (Yoffie & Kim, 2010). As strategies mean the planning and decision taking for the betterment of the company, tactic refers to the clever implementation of the planning. It is important due to a certain reason that a strategic plan is only going to be successful if it is applied in the correct form at

Thursday, September 26, 2019

George At Asda Brand Image and Positioning Essay

George At Asda Brand Image and Positioning - Essay Example To begin with, Asda is a chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom that began as a subsidiary to Wal Mart 1999. In recent times, it has come to occupy the position of the second largest chain in UK after TESCO. Asda is owned by Wal Mart and it consists of 37 supermarkets, 5 Asda Living stores, 10 George Clothing Stores, and 24 depots. To this effect, it makes use of 150,000 employees in all of its 340 units. ( With the Asda Public Campaings becoming huge successes, the chain retains a 16.8% market share as of February 2007. This is second only to TESCO which has a 31.4% share. Its closest competitor is Sainsbury which follows at 16.5%. ( Besides promoting itself as the lowest price supermarket by remaining loyal to the Advertising Standards Agency, Asda has paid special attention to its clothing line that goes by name of George. The marketing and branding features that have been related with this brand in the last two years are as follows: The aim of this paper is to study the changes made by George clothing as far as branding and brand image are concerned, in the past two years, with a focus on measuring the success of the same. This will be studied from various aspects like conception of brand image, and others, so as to measure the same on various counts. The methodology used in this case is that of the Elaboration Likelihood... In order to become a more global brand, it has marketed its clothes in Mexico, UK, Canada, Argentina, Japan, and the US. It has launched various new categories of clothing in the past two years including lingerie, kids wear, baby wear and many others. It has retained an image of being easy to maintain besides being affordable due to its association with Asda, yet it has created a niche market of its own. It has raced ahead of Marks and Spencer's in the last two years as far as market share is concerned. (Official Website: George; Methodology and Purpose Statement The aim of this paper is to study the changes made by George clothing as far as branding and brand image are concerned, in the past two years, with a focus on measuring the success of the same. This will be studied from various aspects like conception of brand image, and others, so as to measure the same on various counts. The methodology used in this case is that of the Elaboration Likelihood Model. The choice of the Elaboration likelihood Model was one that came directly from the consumer oriented characteristics of brand equity and brand knowledge. Elaboration Likelihood Model (Petty & Cacioppo 1983), for instance, identified message relevance as one of these factors. According to this model, when message relevance is high, individuals will actively process and evaluate the information in the advertisement when forming or changing attitudes. When message relevance is low, individuals will not actively process the information in the advertisement, but will instead rely on peripheral message cues to form or change attitudes. This dissertation will therefore draw on the elements of the Elaboration Likelihood Model in order to study the elements that define the nuances of

The Effectiveness of Relaxtion Therapy in the Reduction of Anxiety Article

The Effectiveness of Relaxtion Therapy in the Reduction of Anxiety Related Symptoms (A Case Study) - Article Example Results were gathered using the application of different relaxation techniques for twelve months and administration of both the scales again after the end of the therapy. There was a significant decrease in the level of anxiety and depression. Heading: The Effectiveness of Relaxation Therapy in the Reduction of Anxiety Related Symptoms (A Case Study) Authors: Uzma Ali and Shazia Hassan Journal: International Journal of Psychological Studies Year: 2010 Location: Hypotheses: There is a significant positive impact of relaxation therapy in reduction of anxiety related symptoms. Method: This study used the case study approach. A 20-year-old girl suffering from fatigue and pain was selected as a subject. Identifying Information, family history, medical history, personal and occupation history along with information regarding sleep, orientation, behavior, and affect was gathered u sing Intake Card and Case History Sheet. IPAT Anxiety Scale (King, Scheier & Cattell, 1976) and IPAT Depression Scale (Krug & Laughlin, 1976) were administered to gauge the level of anxiety and depression, respectively, prior to the therapy. Afterwards, 15 sessions were conducted, out of which 12 sessions were dedicated to the application of relaxation therapy.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Oil and gas correlation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Oil and gas correlation - Research Paper Example It would therefore be important to explain why and the possible reveres resolution (Ross 42). There has been an increased shift towards use of gas in production of domestic electricity against the small oil use. This factor explains the increasing trend of negative correlation between the two commodities as noted from late 1970s (Roberts 51). It is also evident that from 1991, the import of oil by US had reduced but this still represented approximately 40% of the consumption by US against a paltry 5% of gas consumption by the US (YeÃŒ pez-Garcia, Rigoberto , and Julie 86). This is an evident case to support the observed negative correlation. The increasing local production of gas by US in 1980s led to the increased supply of gas which affected prices locally and internationally but exhibited consistent trend towards a positive correlation with oil prices (YeÃŒ pez-Garcia, Rigoberto , and Julie 86) . Increased technological advancement which has seen a rise in gas fuelled cars is likely to push the gas prices up. This would initiate the positive correlation between the two commodities. It is also predicted that increased export of LNG by US to the global market will promote the chances of gas offering competition to oil thereby moving in the same direction in terms of prices (CretiÌ€

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

PT.garuda indonesia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

PT.garuda indonesia - Essay Example In the year 1990, the country has around 10 airlines where in the year 2005, the number has increased to more than 30. Some of the leading airlines include Indonesia Air Asia, Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, Merpati Nusantara Airlines, Wings Air, Mandala Air, Batavia Air etc. 1.2 Background of PT. Garuda Indonesia Garuda Indonesia is a leading airline organization. The airline’s first flight started off in the year 1949. Despite of financial downturn in 2007, the airline company has been able to secure considerable profitability in the years 2007, 2008 and 2009. Part B 2.0 Factors Affecting Demand and Supply (theories & applications) 2.1 Factors Affecting Demand There are several factors affecting the demand side of the airline industry. Factors like price, quality, number of buyers, number of suppliers, income, expected future price, demographics, population growth, seasonality etc. In this segment, four factors have been discussed in this sector to describe the impact of the sam e on the airline industry. 2.1.1 Price The following is the demand curve showing the movement of demand against price movements. Figure: Demand Curve (Source: Stanford, n.d.) As the price of the product would increase the demand is supposed to decrease, while the demand would increase with the declining price. In the decreasing airfares will increase the demand. In case, the airline companies decide to decrease the airfares, they are expected to experience less demand than before as more and more travelers would prefer to travel by train and other transportation mediums rather than taking the expensive flights. In this case, the movement will happen along the demand curve. The figure 1.1 diagram shows what would happen to the demand of any product or service incase of price variation when all other influential variables are held constant. 2.1.2 Number of Buyers Number of Buyers is a significant factor to determine the demand in the airline industry. When the number of customers woul d increase, the quantity demanded would increase leading to increased market demand (Mankiw, 2008, p. 71). However, if the number of customers decreases in this industry, the demand would decline. For an instance, after the tragic incident of 9/11, the airline industry has experienced a decline in the number of air travelers due to some security related issues. So, if the number of buyers increases, the demand curve would shift rightwards. As more customers would want to buy the tickets, the quantity demanded would increase incorporating a shift in the demand curve in the rightward direction, from d1 to d2. As the quantity demanded would increase at a fixed price, the demand expected to increase keeping the price point constant. If the quantity demanded is less, then the demand graph is going to shift leftwards. In simple terms, as the number of customers would increase for the airline industry, the demand curve is expected to experience shift in its position. 2.1.3 Income The deman d curve wo

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Short article about Glasgow School, Vienna Secession, & Werkbund Essay

Short article about Glasgow School, Vienna Secession, & Werkbund - Essay Example VanderVelde stated that it was important for an artist to have individual expression which favors handmade crafts. One of the main views of individuals that favored handmade crafts was that it enables the preservation of skills among the designers. On the other hand, taking an industrialized approach to crafts would eventually result in the loss of these traditional values. However, there is no denying the advantages that exist from machinery such as the precision in the design and accuracy of the fine detail. In addition, machines also provide the possibility to create designs faster. As mentioned above, the Werkbund was a group of individuals that believed in the combination of all aspects of art. I also share the same opinion as both handmade and machine made products have a role to play in the quality and appearance of the final product. However, I feel that machine made crafts have more advantages than handmade crafts. One of the individuals that prove this point is Peter Behrens who was one of the main contributors to the Arts movement in German. He was a firm believer of combining different aspects of art which gave his products an exceptional appearance and design. Behrens utilized different systems such as the grid and branding systems in his designs. In his views, architecture, furnishing and different objects were all coherent. Hence, this also illustrates the benefits of using different approaches towards creating a final product. As mentioned above, machine made crafts are more advantageous due to their accuracy and provide the designer with an accura te base that he or she can modify to improve the final products. However, many individuals that oppose industrialized design stated that it created repetitive and soulless end products. In addition, the machines took away the creativity and freedom that is associated with working with one’s hands. However, regardless of the criticism, many artists such as

Saturday, September 21, 2019


Freedmen’s Bureau Act of 1865 Essay The Freedmen’s Bureau was a government agency enacted March 3, 1865. The purpose of this organization was to aid and protect the newly freed slaves in the south after the Civil War. This was a very influential agency and some people would find it to be a major influence in the life of newly freed slaves. In this paper I will explain to you the purpose, the events that led up to the Freedmen’s Bureau, and the people that influenced the Freedmen’s Bureau. The purpose of the bureau was to provide food and medical care to the freedmen of the south. This bureau was only supposed to be in effect for one year; however, congress extended it contrary to the veto Andrew Johnson. In addition to providing food and medical care to the freedmen of the south; the bureau also helped to manage abandon property, establish schools, and regulate labor. The bureau was successful in educating the freedmen, but was very unsuccessful in establishing land. It was very hard for the newly freed slaves to own land or anything for that manner and it took a very long time to establish anything major for them. Later on after the act was established the freedmen were granted 85,000 acres of land but President Andrew Johnson revoked the land and gave it to the Confederate landowners. After the land was revoked the bureau focused on employment for the freedmen. They were able to acquire employment working on plantations; however, this became a problem when they became sharecroppers and tenant farmers. The bureau had many problems but all in all they did work hard to help the newly freed slaves establish the rights that they weren’t able to obtain. The freedmen’s bureau was established on the sympathy of a Civil War hero. He felt sorry for the blacks that had to transition from captivity to freedom so suddenly. After President Johnson unconstitutionally vetoed the bill, congress passed the bill over his veto. Whites in the south were opposed to African Americans having rights, and the bureau didn’t have the proper military force in place to establish any authority. Eventually the military had the move to the western frontier. The bureau’s work stemmed the establishment of the government involving themselves with social welfare and labor relations. I will now explain the people that played a significant role in influencing and implementing the freedmen’s bureau. The freedmen’s bureau was initiated by former President Abraham Lincoln. It was also headed by Union Army General Oliver O. Howard. George Ruby was an African American teacher and administrator that was the bureau’s inspector. He helped to establish school for African Americans and he also inspected the field officer’s that worked within the bureau. Unfortunately under the leadership of President Ulysses S. Grant, the bureau was disbanded. According to history the freedmen’s bureau was not very successful. Out of all of the promises that were made to the newly freed African Americans, very few were kept. Essentially they were left to fend for themselves. Promises such as employment and some education were kept. The promises for land and racial equality were not kept and this enraged the supporters of the bureau and the African Americans themselves. If the bureau would have had the proper financial backing and the proper number of staff it probably would have been very successful. Being that the bureau let the freedmen down by not providing the necessary funds, land, and education they lost faith in the United States government. The bureau has been labeled a failure by historians. In essence the Freedmen’s Bureau was a relief organization set in place to help freedmen transition from slavery to the free world. Many promises such as land, employment, racial equality, and education were promised; but very few promises were kept. The bureau was underfunded and undermanned and the necessary resources hadn’t been set in place for it to thrive like it was supposed to.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Non Equillibrium Green’s Function Technique

Non Equillibrium Green’s Function Technique NON EQUILLIBRIUM GREEN’S FUNCTION TECHNIQUE USED FOR THE METAL-INSULATOR-METAL DIODES ANSHUMAN Electronics and Communication Dept. NIT Kurukshetra Abstract – In this paper theoretical analysis of NEGF method, including the transport equation and Poisson equation, is done followed by the derivation of an analytical model using NEGF tunnelling probability through any number of insulating layers. Numerical NEGF simulator are shown matching with the AF-TMM simulator results. INTRODUCTION THE STUDY OF tunnelling phenomena in Metal Insulator Metal (MIM) is an important topic for the aim of the development of rectennas for energy harvesting and infrared detectors applications. Although the interest in Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) diodes dates back to 1950s [1]–[4], but they attracted the attention again in the last few years due to its applications, energy harvesting [5]–[8] and infrared/terahertz detectors [9]–[11]. Earlier, various analytical expressions for the tunnelling transmission probability through MIM diodes were developed based on WKB approximation [2]–[4]. However, the WKB does not take into consideration the wave function reflections at the interface between different layers [14]. Therefore, there came the need for other models to simulate the tunnelling probability. Non Equilibrium Green Function (NEGF) [12] numerical method is one of the methods used to calculate the tunnelling transmission probability [15]–[18]. It is an accurate numerical method, but it needs long time of calculations on a PC in comparison to other analytical models. Any program used for the simulation of a device performs a solution of transport equation and â€Å"Poisson† equation [19].The transport equation gives the electron density, n(r) and the current, I for a known potential profile U(r), while Poisson equation gives the effective U(r), felt by an electron due to the presence of other electron in its vicinity. Here, in this paper the Quantum transport, Green’s functions and its various equations under non equilibrium condition are discussed and a detailed quantum mechanical modeling of the tunnelling current through MIM diodes is presented. An analytical expression for the tunnelling transmission probability is presented using the NEGF equations for any number of insulator layers between the two metals. Fig.1. Transport of electrons for single energy level device The paper is organized as follows: in Section II, the transport equations are discussed. In section III NEGF equations for MIM Diode is described in detail. The governing equations and numerical implementation of it is outlined. The material parameters used in the simulation are also summarized. GENERAL TRANSPORT EQUATION Let’s consider the model for a single device sandwiched between two metals 1and 2ION THE METAL-INSULATOR.ce of other electron in its vicinity.port and 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, as shown in fig. 1.The device is assumed to be having a single energy level, Ô . Our first aim is to find the number of electrons, N in the device. Let Ef be the Fermi level set by the work function of the two metal contacts under the equilibrium condition. On applying the bias voltage, Vb between metal 1 and 2, the Fermi- energies of two metals gets modified to  µ1 and  µ2 respectively and given as [19]: (1) This difference in Fermi-energy gives rise to a non-equilibrium condition and hence two different Fermi-functions for the two contacts. If device is in equilibrium with metal 1, then number of electrons will be f ­1 but if it is in equilibrium with metal 2, number of electrons will be f ­2, where (2) Let and be the rate of escape of electron from device into metal 1 and metal 2 respectively. Therefore the currents I1 and I2 crossing metal1 and 2 interfaces are given as[20]: And (3) For I1 = I2 = I, we get steady-state number of electrons N and current I as: (4a) (4b) Due to the applied bias voltage one of the reservoir keeps pumping the electron trying to increase the number while the other keeps emptying it trying to lower the number. Ultimately, there is a continuous flow of current, I (eq. 4b) in the external circuit. Assuming à °Ã‚ Ã…“†¡1 > à °Ã‚ Ã…“â‚ ¬ > ÃŽ ¼2 and the temperature is low enough that f1 (ÃŽ µ) ≠¡ f0 (ÃŽ µ − ÃŽ ¼1) ≈ 1 and f2 (ÃŽ µ) ≠¡ f0 (ÃŽ µ − ÃŽ ¼2) ≈ 0, the Eq. 4b simplifies to [21]: If = (5) Eq.5 suggests that we can flow an unlimited current through this one level device if we increase, i.e. by coupling the device more and strongly to the metal contacts. But the maximum conductance of a one-level device is equal to [20], so there must be some reduction factor. This reduction is due to the broadening of the discrete level that occurs because of increased coupling of the device with the two metals. This broadened discrete level can be described by the distribution: With line-width of ÃŽ ³ and shift of level from ÃŽ µ to ÃŽ µ+à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  , where. This broadening phenomena modifies the Eqs. (4a, b) to include an integral over all energies weighted by the distribution D(E) [13]: (6a) (6b) Using algebraic manipulation Eqs. (6a, b) becomes: (7a) (7b) Where (8) (9) Till now we have discussed device with single energy level ÃŽ µ. But in practical situation (i.e. for real devices) there exist multiple energy levels. Any device, in general, can be represented by a Hamiltonian matrix, whose eigenvalues tells about the allowed energy levels. For example if we describe the device using an effective mass Hamiltonian H = then it can be represented with a (NxN) matrix by choosing a discrete lattice with N point and applying methods of finite-differences [13]. This corresponds to using a discretized real space basis. Similarly, we define self-energy matrices [∑ ­1,2] which describe the broadening and shift of energy levels due to coupling with the two metals. The required NEGF equations now can be obtained from Eqs(7a, b) by replacing scalar quantities ÃŽ µ and ÏÆ' ­1,2 with the corresponding matrices [H] and [∑ ­1,2], and is given as: , (10) , (11) The number of electrons N, in the device is replaced with the density matrix, given by: {} (12) Current is still represented by Eq. (7b). The transmission can be given as the trace of the analogous matrix quantity: (13) TRANSMISSION EQUATION FOR MIM DIODE USING NEGF EQUATIONS The 1D time-independent single-particle Schrà ¶dinger equation is given by [13]: Where, is the reduced Plank constant, ψ(x) is the electron wave-function, m is the effective mass and U(x) is the potential energy. If it is assumed that the insulator layers are divided into M grid points having uniform spacing, a, then finite difference discretization on the 1D grid is applied to Schrà ¶dinger equation Eq. (1) at each node i as follows [14]: (2) Where, represents the interaction between the nearest neighbour grid points i and i+1, Ui ≠¡ U (xi), and mi is the electron effective mass between the nodes i and i + 1. The coupling of the potential barrier to the left and right metal electrodes is taken into consideration by rewriting Eq. (1) for i =1 and i = M with open boundary conditions expressed at Metal1/Insulator and Insulator/Metal2 interfaces. So, Schrà ¶dinger equation now takes the following form [13]: (3) Where, H is the M Ãâ€" M Hamiltonian matrix of the insulator potential, I is the M Ãâ€" M identity matrix, ψ is the wavefunction M Ãâ€" 1 vector and S is M Ãâ€" 1 vector. ∑L and ∑R are the M Ãâ€" M self-energies of the left and right contacts respectively. Fig. 1. Potential of a stack of N insulator materials under applied bias voltage, Vb. Each insulator layer is characterized by a barrier height (Uj), a thickness (d j), a dielectric constant ÃŽ µ j, and an effective mass (m j). Now, under a tri-diagonal form H can be rewritten as: ∑L and ∑R are given as: The solution of Eq. (1) can be given in the terms of retarded Green’s function as where is MÃâ€"M retarded Green’s function [13]: The rate of escape of electron to either left or right metal from a given state can be taken into consideration by defining two quantities, ΓL and ΓR [14]. Hence, the tunnelling probability can now be computed as [14]: COMPARISION OF NEGF MODEL WITH OTHER MODELS A model of MIIM diode was simulated using NEGF, AF-TMM and WKB Approximation for a comparative analysis of their transmission probability vs. electron transmission energy curve. The parameter spacing, a, for the NEGF calculation was assumed equal to the hundredth of the insulator layer thickness. This was found adequate for reasonable simulation time. The effective mass was assumed equal to the free mass of the electron throughout the MIM structure. Fig.3 below shows theof the simulated MIIM of Nb/Nb2O5 (2nm)-Ta2O5 (1nm)/Nb at 0.1V of bias voltage. A complete matching between AF-TMM and NEGF results is observed. Fig.3. Transmission probability T (Ex) versus the electron transmission energy calculated using AF-TMM, NEGF, and WKB at Vb = 0.1 V for Nb/Nb2O5/Ta2O5/ Nb MIIM diode. Fig.4. Energy band diagram of the MIIM diode used for simulation REFERENCES J. G. Simmons, â€Å"Electric tunnel effect between dissimilar electrodes separated by a thin insulating film,† J. Appl. Phys., vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 2581–2590, Mar. 1963. J. G. Simmons, â€Å"Generalized formula for the electric tunnel effect between similar electrodes separated by a thin insulating film,† J. Appl. Phys., vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 1793–1803, 1963. R. Stratton, â€Å"Volt-current characteristics for tunneling through insulating films,† J. Phys. Chem. Solids, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 1177–1190, Sep. 1962. J. G. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019

The YMCA Essay -- essays research papers

The YMCA The YMCA has a very clear and concise mission statement. Their mission is "to put Christian principles into practice through programs thta build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all". The YMCA is the nation's largest not-for-profit community service organization in America. With more than 2,500 YMCAs, they are able to meet the health and social service needs of 18.9 million men, women and children in over 10,000 communities in the United States. No one is turned away from the Y. It is a place for people fo all faiths, races, abilities, ages and incomes. Inability to pay is never a reason for the YMCA to turn someone away. Their strength lies in fulfilling their goal of bringing people together. Not every community is the same. Therefore, each YMCA is different to accomadate these differing needs. The YMCA in your community may offer child care or teen leadership clubs. In the next town over, swimming lessons or drawing lessons may be of bigger concern. Every Y makes theri won decisions based on the needs of the community around them. They decide which programs to offer and how to operate. The YMCA was founded in London, England, in 1844 by George Williams and some friends who lived and worked as clerks in a drapery, a forerunner of drygoods and department stores. Their goal was to help young men like themselves find God. The first members were evangelical Protestants who prayed and studied the Bible as an alternative to vice. The first U.S. YMCA...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Freedom comes from within yourself :: essays research papers

Freedom in the Hindu Culture   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Over the past three years in America we have been bombarded with the word freedom as a call to action or a word to persuade us to follow a specific view. Although our society was born on freedom as an idea, its meaning has been used in many ways. Hinduism is also a religion and a culture that places a lot of meaning on freedom but they give a different meaning to it. From learning about Hindu culture in this class their focus on it follows suit as does our version. While our â€Å"freedom† is an idea that can be used in many different ways the Hindu â€Å"Freedom† is a more pure idea as it seems the rest of the culture is. In the Eastern culture freedom comes along with a level or state that you have reached in your life. To understand the meaning of freedom you also have to understand its relation to words like Samsara, Avidya, Maya and Moksha. These are all part of the journey towards the Hindu concept of freedom. Samsara is important in defining freedom in Hindu terms because it is what you want freedom from. Samsara is the continuous cycle of life that takes place in the material world. It is thought of as a negative because it keeps us from moving on and up spiritually. Maya is a concept in Hinduism that relates to man disillusioning himself. The idea is that there is no such thing as an individual existence. When a person is trying to better their standing or wealth they are disillusioning themselves. In the Eastern culture you do not work harder to better yourself you work harder to better the world as a whole through your actions in life. This brings you closer to unity with the â€Å"Divine.† Avidya is similar to Maya. It is when the man is disillusioning himself that Avidya describes. When he denies his true â€Å"Self â€Å" and moves farther away from knowledge he is not taking care of his soul. Avidya is a product of the soul as well as a part of the soul. A person can always move away from this and make his soul healthy again by seeking truth and trying to reach the higher levels of spirituality. In the final stage of life we see Moksha come into play. After freeing yourself from material ties in the third stage of life you move on to the fourth and last. Freedom comes from within yourself :: essays research papers Freedom in the Hindu Culture   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Over the past three years in America we have been bombarded with the word freedom as a call to action or a word to persuade us to follow a specific view. Although our society was born on freedom as an idea, its meaning has been used in many ways. Hinduism is also a religion and a culture that places a lot of meaning on freedom but they give a different meaning to it. From learning about Hindu culture in this class their focus on it follows suit as does our version. While our â€Å"freedom† is an idea that can be used in many different ways the Hindu â€Å"Freedom† is a more pure idea as it seems the rest of the culture is. In the Eastern culture freedom comes along with a level or state that you have reached in your life. To understand the meaning of freedom you also have to understand its relation to words like Samsara, Avidya, Maya and Moksha. These are all part of the journey towards the Hindu concept of freedom. Samsara is important in defining freedom in Hindu terms because it is what you want freedom from. Samsara is the continuous cycle of life that takes place in the material world. It is thought of as a negative because it keeps us from moving on and up spiritually. Maya is a concept in Hinduism that relates to man disillusioning himself. The idea is that there is no such thing as an individual existence. When a person is trying to better their standing or wealth they are disillusioning themselves. In the Eastern culture you do not work harder to better yourself you work harder to better the world as a whole through your actions in life. This brings you closer to unity with the â€Å"Divine.† Avidya is similar to Maya. It is when the man is disillusioning himself that Avidya describes. When he denies his true â€Å"Self â€Å" and moves farther away from knowledge he is not taking care of his soul. Avidya is a product of the soul as well as a part of the soul. A person can always move away from this and make his soul healthy again by seeking truth and trying to reach the higher levels of spirituality. In the final stage of life we see Moksha come into play. After freeing yourself from material ties in the third stage of life you move on to the fourth and last.

The Beatles’ Legacy Essay -- Beatles Music Group History Essays

The Beatles’ Legacy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many know The Beatles as the most popular and influential music group of the 20th century. In the early 1960’s, their popularity grew rather rapidly. They continued gaining popularity well through the 1960’s. Although their popularity has decreased somewhat over time, the influences they have contributed during their career have remained apparent even today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Beatles originated from the UK in the early 1960’s. Before becoming known as the â€Å"Fab Four† the Beatles had multiple band member alterations. In August 1960, after settling on the name the Beatles the band had 5 members. Two years following the official band naming the number of members decreased to four. The front-line guitarists John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison, and the bands drummer, Ringo Star, became the permanent members of the Beatles in 1962. In England, by the end of 1963 the band had become well known and highly adored musical artists. However despite their popularity in the UK, the company who held American rights to the Beatles, Capitol, did not believe they were capable of breaking out onto the American pop charts. As stated by Capitol â€Å" We don’t think the Beatles will do anything in this market†. It wasn’t until November of late 1963 that Capitol agreed to release the first Beatles single, â€Å"I Want To Hold Your Hand†. The song shot up to number one in America only one month after it had been played on the radio for the first time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Beatles had just made history. They were the first British band to ever rank so high on the American charts. What made this accomplishment even more amazing was the time frame in which they achieved it. The Beatles arrived in America for the first time on February 7, 1964 to make their American television debut on the Ed Sullivan Show. Awaiting them at John F. Kennedy airport was a mob of fanatic fans that were eagerly anticipating their arrival. The night of the Beatles appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show attracted the largest television audience ever recorded in history. The following day â€Å" 74 million people—40 percent of the entire U.S. population watched The Beatles of London†¦a CBS press release report†(Harrington, pg 3). Just two years after they first formed the Beatles were becoming international icons. What made them so successful so soon? During the 1960’s, turmoil and change gripp... ...Some argue they had perfect timing. Timing is everything. Others say it was their outstanding musical talent. Whatever the reason may be, the Beatles began a revolution in 1962 and never quite finished it. They withstood the test of time. Something very few music groups have ever done. They set records and enlightened fans. Without them, who knows where the 1960’s would have taken us. They were our rock. The Beatles made the feelings of depression and confusion during that time disappear. The fact is as much as they needed their public their public needed them more. The band officially split up publicly on May, 8th 1970. The last album released by the Beatles was â€Å"Let It Be†. The contributing factors to their break up vary. The death of their manager Brien Epstien due to a drug overdose, the groups introduction to drugs, and John Lennon’s love for Yoko Ono are a few of those factors. After the break up some members went on to pursue a solo career. Even though the band no longer is together, they will always remain known as the Beatles. To many people of that time, these four guys from Liverpool, England were not just a band they were beacons of change and progression.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Entrepreneurial Organization Essay

In Business today the Entrepreneurial Organizations continue to grow, thrive and help change the way companies and people do business. These Entrepreneurial changes that happen internal to large organizations or at small start-up companies all have some of the same traits in common with each other and use some of the same tactics to create business opportunities. Some of the traits they share to promote their business are: Individual action and initiative, Innovation, Differentiation and Risk Taking. Individual action and initiatives taken by the employees within the organization are to create new product offerings or enhance existing products. These actions do not always succeed in creating revenue for the business, but might help start another product line that will create revenue in the future, but the failures of these products is not seen as a negative within the organization but are treated as growth and are seen as positive steps. Innovation is a primary and necessary building block for the entrepreneurial organization. There are 2 types of innovation that should be looked at, used, changed and viewed when using innovation and these are Product and Process. These types of innovation will create change in either a product or process but both are essential to using innovation within the organization and will be used to create new ideas, process and test new theories. Differentiation is another advantage that has to be used, displayed and shown for an entrepreneurial organization. This shows the advantage to customers and investors what unique good, service, talent and innovation that the organization has that makes the customers willing to pay a premium for their services. Risk taking from a large or small organization requires some sort of investment on the part of the company, either in personal resources or financial resources. The level of risk that the organization is willing to support shows the employees that the organization is willing and able to make changes if the risks are worth the reward. But risks must be taken in these types of organizations to create and discover new opportunities. In conclusion, these are four reasons why entrepreneurial organizations seek to use innovation to create new opportunities and are  some of the building blocks for many large and successful companies. With the landscape of business always changing, if companies are not willing to use innovation to try and create new opportunities they might not be successful in the future.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Head Girl Speech

Today I’ll speak about Some of the reasons for which I believe are the reasons for me to be the head girl. Now, will you want a Head girl who is not enthusiastic or dull not taking an interest in making our school reach it’s best. No, none of them will like. I believe our school is like a tree; we are all different parts of this tree, for example – The teachers are like the roots, which supplement us with knowledge and help us to grow. If I was Head Girl, I would be like the manure which the gardener spreads to enrich the ground, just that little added extra can make a big difference. I realise that, being Head Girl isn’t about being better than anyone else. It’s about having the trust of the student body to organise and represent them with honesty and enthusiasm, whenever called upon. If I was chosen as Head Girl, I would want to represent you, as well as inspire you. I’m friendly and approachable, so if anything is troubling you about school life, or if you have a really good idea, you won’t need to keep it to yourself. I want the student’s voice, that’s your voice, heard at IHS. I know being Head girl is a big responsibility. If given the opportunity, I would take that responsibility seriously, and be a respectable role model for all specially the younger ones of our school. As a team leader, I would want to encourage all of them to e at their best. A challenge and team work both these I do enjoy and I see this as essential to be Head Girl. To pay back something to school is another reason. Over my time at IHS I have taken part in many School activities and events,etc. . Now is my chance to give something back. To serve both pupils and staff is a thing I’d like to do. And yes if am choosen as one I assure you that I’ll put in my best efforts for my school.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Highline Financial Services Essay

Every origination needs to separate themselves from their competition. From offering the newest and latest products to offering outstanding service. Highland Financial Services Itd. Is no different from other companies. Standing out from other organizations is critical for the company’s success. Managing partner Freddie Mack must use the information that he has been provided with to find if he may need to hire or layoff any personnel for the upcoming year. Doing this accurately will help the company reach their goals and insure the companies well being for the future. Freedie Mack will need to use moving average date technique. This technique that averages a number of recent values, updated as new values become available (Stevenson, 2012 p. 84). Freedie must use the following equation. Ft=Man= n E i-t At-i/n= At-n†¦+At-z+At-1/n. By taking amounts from each quarter in the corresponding service areas and dividing the values, Freedie will get the percent’s of growth. The example would be from year one, quarter one, service A and year two using service A quarter one (60/72=1.2% growth projection and then taking the 1.2% and multiplying this by 72). This would give the organization an 86 in service column A for year three, quarter one and so on for each quarter as we will see in the table below. Freedie would use this date to determine the growth or fall regarding the demand. He can use this to predict several years in the future using this technique. Using this technique is easy and easy to understand (Stevenson 2012, p.85). The observations from the technique are the service scores gradually are increasing with the average growth if 1.19% in service A, 1.15% growth in service B, and .98% in service C. Service A and B are growing at a higher pace, while service C is growing slower. To grow the service areas faster, Highland Financial Services Ltd. should offer higher service standards within the current service areas in the coming quarters and years. One option the company may want to explore is better training to up sell the better service package to their clients. This potentially would raise sales and allow them to hire more employees. Freedie should be concerned the organization is not growing in the service area C column. All but quarter three are down, the organization must do something to improve the service  for this quarter by looking into their operations strategy. Depending on what the companies current operations strategy is, they may want to revisit the strategy. Freedie must use up to date information on demand forecasting for the organization. One thing that they can do is use shorter time frames versus long term forecasting due to economy or other outside obstacles. Using short time frame forecasting will allow the organization flexibility if they need to adjust their forecast (Stevenson 2012, p.109). The organization should not layoff any personnel, but rather hire more staff for the business needs as they arise. While the trend shows a raise in service over the next year, they may want to plan for the future and look more into the next few years rather than just one year. Doing this will allow them to hire an appropriate amount of people and be able to train them to be ready for the upcoming business gain and future success of the business. Table below shows the forecast for Year 3 and the four quarters within the year. References: Stevenson, W, J. (2012) Operations Management, 11th edition, New York, N.Y: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Power of the Few Essay

The three articles to be tackled by this essay discuss the presence of a power elite, a term coined by author C. Wright Mills.   The articles talk about how the power elite emerged and existed, who comprises it, and evidence to prove why these people are, in fact, the few who hold power in America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first article is C. Wright Mills’ The Power Elite wherein he argues that the power of the elite is not derived from their individual attributes but from three societal institutions, specifically the economy, politics, and the military, where power is actually concentrated (332).   To support this argument, Mills points out that there are extraordinary men who are heads or are in command of major social structures and are in the position to make decisions that will have great consequences affecting society (332).     He goes on to point out that even if these men do not make decisions or act for their institutions, such is actually an influencing act in itself (332).   And who are these men who govern the three major institutions of society? They are â€Å"the wealthiest, most celebrated, most powerful†¦[with] resources of men, women, and money†¦and mass media focused on them† (336).     Mills then presents two points of view regarding the existence of powerful elite: those who do not believe that power elite exists and those who believe that it exists only because historical situations show that decisions are being made but the average and ordinary citizen did not make that decision (333).   However, Mills then argues that there are institutions that do in fact unite the decisions made and the historical events that show those decisions (334).   And even if one will argue that society is also ruled by religious, educational and familial institutions, Mills concedes that although these institutions are present and working in society, they are just but the means of the big three[1] to legitimize its power and decisions (334).   In fact, Mills argues that if the smaller institutions do not go about the path laid down by the big three, then the big three can always do something to change the structure of smaller institutions so as to fit their plans and decisions (334-335). In the end, Mills wraps up his article with the conclusion that there are those extraordinary men in the three biggest influential institutions in society that dictate its course and that although they are not solitary rulers (333), it is only through them that power â€Å"can be more or less continuous and important† (336).   And these men are so powerful that their wills are followed and realized even if others resist it (336).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The second article is Diversity in the Power Elite by Richard Zweigenhaft and G. William Domhoff, wherein the authors concluded that â€Å"power elite is more than a set of institutional leaders† (338).     The authors attack the view of C. Wright Mills that society is not pluralistic and that it is controlled only by a handful through a research on whether the three major institutional hierarchies have become diversified over the years since Mills’ theory.   And the answer is yes.   The authors’ research showed that the power elite have been diversified through the presence of more women and minorities (339). The research further shows that although there is diversity in the powerful, there are many things that have not changed.   For one, the core group of the elite is still predominantly Christian white males and many groups that contributed to diversification remain underrepresented (339).   Two, â€Å"high social origins continue to be a distinct advantage† and those who are able to penetrate the major institutions play the game according to the rules that have been followed since time immemorial (339). Lastly, the acceptance of diversity was only a result of   â€Å"pressure from activists and feminists† (339).   The article further discussed that although there was diversification in the power elite, the diversity only ends with the gender or race of the person.   In fact, diversity strengthened the power elite even more because it â€Å"held the same values and perspective as those who are already in power† (340).   In the end, diversification did not disprove the existence of the power elite, as enunciated by Mills, but only expanded its membership.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The last article is by Louis Desipio and Rodolfo O. De La Garza entitled Forever Seen as New: Latino Participation in American Elections wherein it proposes that the growing importance of the Latino electorate in American elections is a result, not of Latino mobilization, but of following an Anglo pattern where the more educated and economically advantaged are the ones who vote (346). The article presents the impediments to a more active Latino electorate: being young, less well-educated, low incomes, and not being American citizens (343, 344).     These impediments have been remedied somehow by the emergence of â€Å"new cadre Latino elites and new institutions† comprised of young and well-educated Latinos (345).   This new cadre exposes Latino issues which enable politicians to address them with more knowledge (345).   As a result, although development in Latino participation will be slow, the new cadre will prove to be influential as it is the voice of the Latino community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the three articles read and analyzed side by side, the most and key concept is power elite.   Mills defines the power elite as the concentration of societal power and influence in a few.   It is often comprised of the highly educated and wealthy people who occupy high posts in either the economic, political or military institutions. The article of Zweigenhaft and Domhoff   proves that although there is a move to further diversify the power elite, there is still only a handful who dictate the course of society as the newcomers hardly have proposed major changes, and in fact settle for playing the game the way the power elite has played it ever since.   The article of Desipio and De La Garza is not any different since it discusses the concentration of Latino electoral participation in the young and well-educated.   At the end of the day, Mills’ concept has expanded but not altered in any way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the three readings main theme of power in the few, I was awakened to the possibility that there really might be just a few people who are running our country through the economy, politics, and the military.     I realized that family, education and religion are not even major powerhouses but do play some role in putting the power elite in their positions.   Those who are wealthy and had the opportunity to graduate from ivy-league and other elite schools are perceived as the people who know a lot and could probably make the right decisions for the country. As a result of this thinking, they are placed in positions that take the correct actions for their institutions.   But I cannot entirely concede that that diversification has not changed anything in the power elite and that the newcomers have not changed anything in society.   Gender and racial issues are core agenda in society today although it must be noted that minorities are still that: minorities.   It is still the rich, the smart and the popular who are in a state of power and influence.   How else can you justify Arnold Schwarchenegger   winning the gubernatorial seat? [1] Economic, political and military institutions

Friday, September 13, 2019

Death Penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Death Penalty - Essay Example The current statistics show that within the United States we have a high rate of recidivism from offenders. The financial costs of a death penalty conviction are high, but not in comparison to the cost of a crime plus the life sentence. The use of the death penalty, when handed down after conviction of a crime from which the offender cannot be liberated or from which the forgiveness of society is not conceivable, provides a service of justice to the citizens in providing a resolve for the crime committed, an example to promote the deterrence of crime, and a relief in costs that are incurred during a lifelong prison term. Crime is a social situation that exists in all nations, all communities, and in all social groups. Where there are laws, there are those who will attempt to bend, manipulate, and break them. An urban myth exists that the United States has one of the worst crime rates in the world. However, according to Winslow and Zhang (2008), the United States ranks twelfth out of a grouping of 165 countries, with England, Denmark, Australia, and Sweden all ranking with higher rates of crime. According to their research, Sweden, which has the highest crime rate, records approximately 9,604 crimes per each 100,000 of population figures, while the United According to Amnesty International statistics for 2008, there are 59 countries that still utilize the death penalty as a punitive measure. However, in the European and Central Asian countries, only the country of Belarus still uses this measure. As well, of the countries who have this judicial tool available, only 25 of the 59 countries actually used the death penalty. The United states showed the lowest number of executions in 2008 than had been carried out since 1995. Of the countries that use the death penalty as a punitive measure, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and the United states

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Articles of Incorporation (AoI) as a Necessity for a Corporation Essay

The Articles of Incorporation (AoI) as a Necessity for a Corporation - Essay Example This section, together with the first section, distinguishes the type or category of the corporation; for example, profit or not-for-profit organizations. Because the AoI is the legal basis for the relationship among incorporators, there is a section that spells out the limitations to the powers and privileges of those that manage the corporation as it regards the, for instance, earnings of the corporation. It further distinguished what is personal and what is corporate in terms of assets and liabilities. In addition, the AoI states the management structure of the corporation including board members. A section usually outlines this structure, membership and roles. As a reference document, the AoI also makes provisions for managing corporation’s assets and liabilities in case of dissolution. Finally, the AoI carries the signature of the incorporators or the legally recognized representatives ( Because AoI is a legal document, it must be signed by the incorporators or the legally recognized representatives. It is usually prepared by legal practitioners and approved by government agencies. Once it is signed and sealed, it becomes the reference document for the operation of the corporation. Changes, such as the transformation of a private corporation owned by few individuals to a public corporation owned by a large number of shareholders and usually quoted in the stock market, must be reflected in the respective sections and clauses. Agency theory seeks to explain the relationship between a principal(s), who hires an agent(s) for services and delegate the power of  decision-making to the agent(s). It also seeks to examine variations in behaviors in the principal-agent relations. These relations could be harmonious or frictional.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Serious Thinking Impacts and Reactive Decision Making Dissertation

Serious Thinking Impacts and Reactive Decision Making - Dissertation Example Consequently, ways of decision making that permit a restricted variety of option are pleasing. For this cause, workers who activate in this way appear to be preferred above those who do not. The unconsidered environment of defense has formed UK Defence Ministry workers who lean, or necessitate, observing problems in one measurement. Problem-adjusted defense needs workers to inspect problems cautiously, to disconnect problems into their detached elements. Most significantly, it obligates workers to dedicate time to effect a problem throughout so as to accumulate time by eradicating or decreasing prospect occasions. Once showing serious thoughts, one leans to discern the confusing forces which formed the observed phenomenon. In other words, the numerous extents of problems are observed. This might slow down the hustle of decision making. The procedure of Toyota problem solving could get an extended time. Known that every phase based upon the previous phases, it must be obvious that by using moderately more attempt on the former phases, time and money must be accumulated on the afterward stages. Regrettably, tiring executives frequently use too modest attempt on the problem searching and formulation phases in their normally creditable but frequently mistaken conviction in the advantages of operating rapidly and determinedly. For instance, the answer to a plunge in sales may give up the decision to expand a complicated reward system for the sales strength ( The genuine problem may be reasoned by the deprived pricing strategy or by governmental problems which create extreme hindrances in satisfying a command. There are five main phases in the Toyota problem-solving procedure: Searching the Problem Devising the Problem Creating the Choice of the Solution Execution of the Solution Audit and Review of Results of the Execution Toyota problem-solving starts with the procedure of searching the problem. This is the hardest stage since things are frequentl y not what they appear. What one observes as a problem based on what notions one has about organizations. Indications could both illumine and facade fundamental Toyota problems (Liker and Meier 2005). Searching the problem is a detective match in which the serious evidence is occasionally obvious and other times slight and instinctive, appearing only after an extended procedure of investigation and abolition (Hargadon 2009). Toyota problems, formerly originated, are usually obvious and patently obvious other than they do not come into views so at the commencement. What one wishes to evade is named a Type III mistake; the fault of functioning on the incorrect problem. There are normally a lot of problems excluding which are actually serious? The second stage is formulating the problem. This is hard because it forever engages standards which require be coming out and commerce with so as to create a collective thinking about what is happening and how to progress. Organizations have a l ot of stakeholders with diverse targets and standards. For instance, stockholders search for better surplus and profits. The administration needs control, wealth, and augmented enlargement (Gatignon; Tushman; Smith & Anderson 2002). The workers command more protection, pay, and health advantages.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Work People and Productivity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Work People and Productivity - Essay Example In such a case, the candidates need to ask themselves if they do recognize their profile. It is good to come up with the specific observations that are supportive to the existing culture as well as the exact behaviors to fit the desired one. One needs to show why the preferred culture is desirable ( OCAI, 2014). If striking differences that are large between the preferred and the current cultures exist, then changes are vital. The profile does indicate the direction. For instance taking the example of moving from the hierarchy to clan culture, one needs to show what that exactly means. What has been left out by the hierarchy culture that needs to be filled in by the clan culture, for instance, the need for more concern on workers and how it is necessary? What would that bring? ( OCAI, 2014) The next step is to make a comparison of one’s profile. First is with that of the organization’s sector. See the similarities as well as differences and identify them. See if the work looks more of market oriented than that in other organizations. Are the right people attracted to fit within the culture of the organization? See if the culture does support the organizational goals, challenges met, and the culture needed for success ( OCAI, 2014). The third step is to involve colleagues. Plan a meeting for the team or discuss the profile with them. See if they do recognize the profile and if there is an agreement in on this preferred culture. For development of concrete action, it is good to decide on what is to be done. Key factors for success include coming to agreement on the culture preferred and objectives, senior official’s commitment and the change of mental models, which govern daily behavior (OCAI, 2014). An analysis of the two examples shows great cases especially in defining both cultures and showing what they both represent. The current culture has been well explained to show its weaknesses; that it is discriminating to workers and

Monday, September 9, 2019

Collage and photomontage and hanna hoch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Collage and photomontage and hanna hoch - Essay Example By understanding the historical context of Modern art, it is possible to trace how Hanna Hoch developed her own artistic approach and made her ideas known. An analysis of one of her artworks demonstrates the ideas she was attempting to convey. This investigation further illustrates how Hoch’s artwork served to influence future artists who also used the medium of photomontage and collage to convey their ideas. Because of Hoch, this particular artistic approach took on a greater cultural and social importance because of the way in which it directly spoke to the major political issues of the day, focusing upon the major hopes and aspirations of the community as Germany underwent profound political change in a short space of time. Although Hoch’s artwork was little understood at the time in which she was working, later audiences who were much more informed regarding the artistic theories and ideas being expressed and not as influenced by the fear of Jewish inferiority and i nsanity were more able to appreciate the intelligence and sensitivity this artist portrays within her work. Because of this, Hoch was able to inspire numerous other artists working with the medium to continue exploring the political issues of the day by placing images in similar unusual juxtaposition. Thus, the following paper attempts to demonstrate how Hanna Hoch’s artwork grew out of the social and political climate of her time, illustrate how it became a unique expression of her thoughts and ideas and then trace these ideas as they influenced further artists into the future. Understanding an individual’s artwork as well as their influence on future artists is often more difficult than one might at first imagine. Before artwork such as that created by Hanna Hoch can be fully appreciated, one must have some idea of the artistic theories the artist was building off of, such as the Modernist

Sunday, September 8, 2019

European economic integration results in European cultural Essay

European economic integration results in European cultural integration. Discuss - Essay Example However, there are those who suggest the cultural integration is more or less impossible since the differences between the countries which form the European Union are so vast that a cultural divide will always remain (Bruter, 2004). For example, the case of America can be presented where cultural divides still exist even when the economies of the American states are more or less perfectly integrated and the language is also the same. Despite these similarities, there are significant differences between urban and rural American cultures as well as the several subcultures living in the country. It seems that cultural and economic integration in Europe are certainly related since the EU considers the sharing of cultural values to be something that is supposed to produce better Europeans (EC, 2006). However, to say that economic cooperation would produce better cultural integration might be a little pessimistic since this statement also suggests that better cultural integration might not be as fast without having economic cooperation first (Erdogan, 2006). Secondly, it can also be said that the present natural level of cultural homogeneity might be good enough since if the Europeans totally integrate their cultures from Dusseldorf to Birmingham, the continent would certainly lose a lot of its charm (Gordon, 2004). There are also examples of situations where economic integration does not help cultural integration and in severe cases, economic integration might be seen as a negative force of globalisation which causes a backlash against the European ideal (Gordon, 2004). In Turkey for example, economic integration and strong economic connections had been established for years, yet complete integration is still far off. The Economist (2005) reported that there were significant differences and opposition levels to Turkey in Europe and to Europe in Turkey. The differences are based not only on legal

Marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Marketing plan - Essay Example Since the beginning of the competition, the company has decided to come up with different ways of reaching out to its potential customers. So far the company has hired Fallon worldwide and advertisement agencies in Minneapolis to develop new marketing strategies for their products. Since its introduction in automotive sector in 1916, BMW Company has come up with different products in the sector (Martin, Fabian, and Josh 2002A) The Company is also known for producing and marketing a range of sporty and higher end motorcycles and cars. Despite investing on cars and motorcycles, the company has also embarked on aircraft engine known as Rolls Royce. The company global subsidiaries and manufacturing plants are situated in Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Egypt, Vietnam United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia and Germany. All this plants have very concrete and productive marketing channels and strategies. Currently, the company is as well operating its financia l cooperate which offers financial assistance to potential customers. This marketing plan is based on a 4C framework of credibility, consistency, competitiveness and clarity as BMW strives to enhance its market niche in Japan and China. Credibility refers to continued use of reliable information to customers and all the conditions of sale will be upheld. Moreover, BMW will continue to make luxurious vehicles that will meet customer needs and will strive to gain competitiveness in the new market. Moreover, the channels of distribution used by the company will be clear. 2.0: Introduction Since producing its first car, BMW has grown significantly marketing its products in different parts of the world. 1,366,838 cars of different models were produced by BMW group in 2006 and this figure rose to 1,481,253 in 2010. Moreover, the company has been producing motorcycles since 1916 and does its production in different countries of the world including Mexico, China, Russia, UK, Australia, US a nd South Africa. However, it only started producing cars in China 2008 as shown in the table below. Table1 showing BMW vehicle production from 2005 to 2010 Year BMW Rolls-Royce MINI 2005 1,122,308 692 200, 119 2006 1,179,317 874 186,674 2007 1,302,774 1029 237,700 2008 1,203,482 1417 235,019 2009 1,043,829 918 213,670 2010 1,236,989 3221 241,043 Source (BMW Group 2011A) 56 percent of the total BMW branded vehicle are petrol powered as the remaining are powered using diesel. 27 percent of the vehicles powered by petrol have four cylinders while another 9 percent have eight cylinders. 2.1: Market overview So far the company has to a great extent succeeded in its marketing strategy. The success is highly attributed by functional and consistent marketing strateg